Water Tank Grants / LOANS Available

Updated: 13/12/2024

SA – On-farm Drought Infrastructure Rebate Scheme

From Government of South Australia

The On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Rebate Scheme is to assist primary producers in South Australia to implement infrastructure projects that assist with managing current drought conditions and strengthen preparedness for future droughts.

Successful applicants must be able to cover the full cost of the infrastructure and will be reimbursed through the grant for 75% of the total cost up to a maximum grant of $5,000 (GST exclusive).

Applicants must contribute at least 25% of the total infrastructure cost. Other government funding, including grants, concessional loans, or insurance claim funds, cannot be used towards the applicant’s contribution.

The Grant is available now and will close when funding is exhausted.


QLD – Drought Carry-on Finance Loans

From Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority

The Drought Carry-on Finance Loan offers up to $250,000 to help primary producers who have been significantly financially affected by drought with carry-on finance assistance. It offers an Interest only payment for the first 2 years with a loan term of up to 10 years.

Queensland based primary producers who have been significantly affected by drought may be eligible for a Drought Carry-on Finance Loan to assist with carry-on finance.

The loan may be used for working capital expenses, such as paying employee wages, paying creditors, paying rent and rates and buying goods for carrying on the business.

The maximum combined outstanding loan balance under both the Emergency Drought Assistance Loan and the Drought Carry-on Finance Loan is $250,000.


VIC – On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants

From Agriculture Victoria, Managed by Rural Finance

​​​The Victorian Government has established the On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants program to assist primary production businesses to implement on-farm infrastructure that improves drought management and preparedness.

The Drought Support Package includes funding for an On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grant Program and a one-on-one advisory service for primary producers in eligible LGAs of south west Victoria, and builds on existing supports, including technical resources, workshops and field days already available in the south west.

A grant of up to $5,000 (excluding GST) per eligible primary production business is available to assist with implementation of on-farm infrastructure improvements. Eligible primary production businesses are required to provide dollar for dollar matching funding co-contribution.

The grant covers activities like constructing a new or upgrading existing Stock Containment Areas (SCA), reticulated water systems, irrigation system upgrades, grain and fodder storage, internal re-fencing to better match property layout and feed system upgrades.

The Grants will be available from the date the program opens until program funds are fully allocated.


TAS – King and Flinders Island Farm Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme

From TAS Government

​​​The Tasmanian Government is offering a rebate to livestock primary producers on King and Flinders Islands to purchase and install new on-farm water infrastructure, or repair and/or replace damaged existing on-farm water infrastructure.

The KFI Scheme provides a one off 25 per cent rebate up to $15,000 (GST Exclusive) to eligible primary producers for the costs associated with the purchase and installation of eligible on farm water infrastructure and/or repairs.

The KFI Scheme is now open for applications and will close 24 December 2024 or until funds are exhausted. Evidence that project activities are completed will need provided by 30 June 2025.


QUEENSLAND – Drought Preparedness Grants

From Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority

Primary producers can now apply for a grant of 25 per cent of the cost of purchasing new permanent capital infrastructure to a maximum cumulative amount of $50,000 over five years.

The grant aims to assist producers with the cost of implementing new permanent capital improvements and carrying out drought preparedness activities identified in their Farm Business Resilience Plan.

Water tanks are eligible for this grant as well as water infrastructure including pipes, water troughs, new dam construction, drilling a new working bore, water conservation infrastructure and water pumps. 


WA – Drought Relief Package (APPLICATION OPENS MAY 2024)

From WA Government

Primary producers facing financial hardship will be able to apply for up to $5,000 per business to help cover the costs of stockfeed, water and transportation.

A further $4 million will be provided in the form of interest-free loans. Primary producers will be able to apply for up to $25,000 per business to cover the costs of stockfeed, water and transportation.

Up to $100,000 can be provided for each off-farm community water supply project, developed by local government or community groups on a co-contribution basis. Water security can be boosted through new water tanks and infrastructure for emergency farm and firefighting community water supplies, as well as public amenity projects in regional towns.


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